Xmas 2010
Wow . . . literally, all I can say is "wow". What a whirlwind the 5 days before and after Christmas have been. A good whirlwind, but a whirlwind nonetheless. My mom came down on Wednesday (the 22nd) and on Thursday night, we opened gifts with her. Then on Friday, my aunt and uncle from Missouri, came over and we opened gifts with them. Friday afternoon, we headed over to Omaha to spend Christmas day with Toby's family. Saturday was Christmas number 3. Sunday we headed back to Des Moines for a final Christmas with my dad and step mom. We were very lucky to have my aunt and uncle still in town as they were able to join us Sunday night as well. All in all, it was a very nice holiday. Katie made out like a bandit and now thinks that Santa will be coming to our house everyday. :)