Just this past weekend, I did a small photo session with one of my coworkers and his family. Originally, we wanted to try and take them at Valley Junction or Grey's Lake, but given the temperature, we decided to do them in the skywalk downtown. Since I was working with only an 18-55mm lens, I was not able to open the lens enough to capture the moments as well as I would have liked to without a flash. Personally, I would much rather be able to take the pictures without the aid of a flash but all-in-all, I think they turned out pretty well. And as long as they were happy, I was happy.
Cooper seemed to have fun once we started encouraging him to say "poopy diaper" and "pee pee" so he would laugh. He is just such a cutie. And Audra is almost 8 months pregnant so I tried to get a couple where her belly was showing. I'm hoping I'll be able to do some dramatic black and white belly pics for her before the baby comes!
We found this red wall inside the skywalk and I thought the contrast between the light hair and skin of Audra and Cooper would look really neat. I did a couple in black and white, but to be honest, I'm a big fan of the wall. One issue I had was the reflection on the paint from the flash. But again, these issues will be remedied with new equipment.