Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb 5 - Feb 10

 Sunday February 5:

Family time in Sioux City

Monday February 6:

Katie and her good friend, Kennedi
Tuesday February 7:

Katie and her pet rat, Gloria 

Wednesday February 8:

Coach Jim holding Little E

Thursday February 9:

Katie and Gloria

Friday February 10:

Hanging out at the cheerleading competition with a new friend

Friday, February 10, 2012

Jan 31 - Feb 4

Tuesday Jan 31:

My mom's dog, Owen, checking out Katie aka Sonic the Hedgehog out.

Wednesday Feb 1:

Ethan eating his cereal.  Still new to him and very funny to watch.  :)

Thursday Feb 2:

Brilee and Katie playing with their iPods before bed.

Friday Feb 3:

Sandi and the most adorable dog ever, Owen.

Saturday Feb 4:

A scenic picture of the cold countryside.