Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ella's birthday lunch

Had lunch today with my good friend, Nicole, and her mom, Andi, and daughter, Ella.  Ella's friend, Haley, was with them as well.  Today is Ella's 7th birthday!  Happy birthday, Ella!  It's been so great to watch you grow into such a wonderful little girl!!  XOXO

More randoms . . .

Some randoms over this past week . . . Katie and I went to Family Fun Fest at Valley West Mall, spent some time at the gym, and went to the Iowa Deer Classic.

Dog Walk

Took Sam for a walk last week and found out that he drools like crazy while he's walking. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Enjoying the first nice day of the year!

Today the temp got up to 70 degrees and as soon as I got off work, we walked straight up to Lion's Park and played.  Here are a few pics.

Trip to the desert . . .

Katie and I just got back from Mesa, AZ, where we visited my grandparents for 5 days.  The weather was absolutely perfect . . . 75-80 degrees every day.  Katie and I spent our days walking through their resort, swimming in the pool, and we even went on an adventure to the Superstition Mountains and visited Tortilla Flats.  On the way back from Tortilla Flats, we stopped at Goldfield Mining Camp and watched a gunfight and walked through the country's largest museum of poisonous reptiles and invertebrates.  We watched some beautiful sunsets and enjoyed wonderful company.  Here are my favorite pics from the trip.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Some randoms . . .

These don't really have a theme so I'm calling them randoms . . .

Corner House Meet

Last weekend was the first gymnastics competition of the season hosted by Corner House.  Let me just say, it was a great success.  The Corner House girls did amazing.  And this was the first time we've had the preschoolers compete and they loved it.  Definitely something we will continue to do.  Here are a few pics from the competition.